That incident had been pushed to the back of my memory, along with the patterned legging and sweater combos and the trauma of being cast as a cow in the school nativity play 1995. So imagine my disdain when jodhpurs started popping up in the lookbooks for A/W 10. At Dior they paraded suede ones down the runway tucked into riding boots and Paul Smith showcased a black pair. But no matter how many times I see them, albeit nicer ones not always made of that thick rib, I cannot erase the memory of the dreaded jodphur incident of '96. Don't get me wrong, I am all for equestrian style. I am even after a pair of these gorgeous brown leather riding boots which I envisage myself wearing with black jeans and that sold out last year Zara cape coat that I am currently occupied in a bidding war to get via ebay. However I can say this for sure, jodhpurs are one trend I will definately not be working this season or any other season to come. Because not only for the fact I despise them, I would probably end up looking like the right hand picture in them (Hello! camel toe, how ironic given then the nature of the trouser...)
ps. If you are after them, H&M are selling a camel coloured pair for £9.99 which I discovered much to my horror on the back of my Sunday Times Stlyle magazine. Oh no they have even started evading the high street...
Oh Neigh (had to get one in somewhere) |
Oh Yay! |